This phrase sums it up for us. So love is the constant. He first loved and so gave us the opportunity for life, life eternal. When our faith becomes sight and our hope is fulfilled. Love remains as the greatest. This gospel love is the foundation for our commitment to Christ, His church and the lost world. This love is the cornerstone of our family. May you be blessed by the words contained in this blog as it follows this journey we call life.


Paint & extra Padding!

Our dear brother, Laine, from church came to paint for us. We were so excited. He finished 2 rooms and this red accent wall in 8 hours. Um, definitely a professional! It would have taken me days.

Eli's blue, blue room! And he shall be all boy!

The kitchen is now this wonderful Pottery Barn green!
Don't the cabinets and applicances really pop?

Though, you can't really tell...I was matching the wall color to the painting over the stove.

Here we are at 30 weeks. Nick is positive that my belly button is going to pop. Hopefully, not! Also, this is like 11 at I wasn't looking so fresh!

My fabulous granny smith apple shoes (of course they were a gift from Cater!) appear quite small with this belly! I mean feet appear forever away!


Unknown said...

Meg, the rooms look great. Do your green apple shoes match your kitchen? :) Whoever helped you pick out that painting above the stove?



Tara said...

Hey Meg,

Just happened upon your blog and I have to say: I love all the colors you picked out! What a beautiful home you have!

It was so nice talking with you the other day. I've been praying and hope that you guys are doing well. Let me know if there is anything we can do to help!


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